Sunday, 30 October 2011

Project: Skol Beer

We have been placed into groups of 3 and been given a Project Brief to re-design and advert one of 8 products. Our group decided to choose the SKOL Beer. I decided to first do some research on the beer to get a background of it and see who the targeted audience were originally.

The Beer was created to be a global beer, it was first introduced in 1964. It was popular globally until around the last 1980s. Now it has sort of died out but is the number one beer in Brazil.

Hägar the Horrible (Cartoon) was used to promote it for a while (I don't know this cartoon hardly so I need to look into some adverts that they were used in for Skol).

The Manufacture for Skol Beer is InBev.

Skol does have a website but it is for Brazil so I can't understand the text at all, you also need a password or something to gain access to the site.

Commercials For Skol Beer

Most of these aren't in English which shows that SKOL is more popular internationally that it is in the UK. I however want to make it so it is popular in the UK, I need to direct my re-designed product toward the British people and make it popular and enjoyable for them.

By watching the adverts its clear that the targeted audience for Skol Beer would have to be Males, between the ages of 20+ I can't really put an age range on it as in some adverts it shows people around the age of 23 and in others it shows men who are in their 40s and 50s.

Posters and Pictures of Skol Beer

There is a pattern with some of the poster adverts for Skol Beer, it seems that women have been used in the adverts to gain the male audience's attention. The humor in the adverts can seem offensive to women but to men it will make them laugh.

Now that I have done some background research on the adverts and the information for Skol Beer I can start to plan what I want to do with the packaging and advertising of the beer. I'm going to start with re-designing the packaging of the beer and then move on to how I'm going to present this in either an advert or a poster. The main colour palette I need to stick to is the bright colours such as the famous sunny yellow they use in most of the adverts and posters. I need to make it more modern to 18+ in the UK.

PhotoShop - Basics

I have used Photoshop before but never past the basics and even then I don't know much. I often used to simply play around with it when I got the chance and was never taught past the basics by anyone so I taught myself how to change hair colour and eye colour but this was just simple things I did.

We were given a task to change a picture given to us and make it brighter and bolder than the original. I thought this would be easy but in fact I found it to be hard due to using a MAC as well and not a PC which is what I have used Photoshop on in the past.

Below are the stages I went through to complete the task.

Cropped The Images, Straightened It.

Auto Colour, Used Shadow/Highlight Tool.

Used Histogram Tool, Played around with the Shadows and Highlights some more, Auto Contrast.

Used The Dodge Tool.

Used The Sponge Tool.

Used the Unsharp Mask Tool.


It took me a few tries to try and get the picture looking right and even now I'm still not happy with it. Its too sharpened and doesn't look realistic, I need to try and practice more on improving and developing images on Photoshop but it was a good try.